Tuesday, December 20, 2011


EVERY year (except for last - since I was a big sissy and wouldn't travel in my 3rd trimester) Janell and I celebrate our birthdays together. A ritual we started in college, I'm happy to say we have kept the tradition alive.. except of course for last year when I was a big sissy.  This year was a little different since it was a surprise visit planned by her hubs, Jordan. It was a packed weekend as always, but nice because they stayed extra long. :)  To celebrate our birthdays, we got together with friends and went to sushi followed by a stand up comedy show at the Tempe Improv. It was a great time. :)

Every visit always ends with goodbye which makes me sad!  Needless to say I will not give up on my not so secret plan to try and move them out here.. and now that I have Lucas I will use him as bait! LOL  Seriously, it might work for Jordan, him and Lou are quite the pair, I'm not sure who loves who more.. it's pretty darn cute.

Another thing I will miss is their CAMERA!  One word. AMAZING. It's bigger than my head but man, it takes some pretty great pictures. Here are just a few of the gazillion they took while here.

 This shirt will be handed down to future Baby Lawrence :)

 Need a haircut much?

Best Buds :)

 Napping on Momma... the BEST :)

 Lucas and Addie in Baby Jail at Keira's 1st Birthday Party

 The Birthday Girl!

 Daddy in Jail with Lou :)

  And now for a BUNCH of bath pics...
 Bless you.

 Somebody loves their bath.
 Biggest eyes known to man. And oh so beautiful.

 LOVES his measuring cups...
 My Mad Scientist. LOL

 Me: "Lucas is makin' a poop" Jordan: "How can you tell?" Me: "Seriously?  Look at that face."

 Smooches for Mom

 Janell and Jordan at the Tempe Improv
 Opening her Birthday Gift from Jord :)

 Story Time

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