Monday, December 12, 2011


That's right,  I'm talking first words people!! :)  Lou started saying "dada" at 4 months and then finally  "mama" at 8 months but because we weren't really sure he knew what each meant I was a little hesitant to label them as first words.  Now he knows that I am "Mama" and Doug is "Dada" but I can't tell you when it actually clicked for him.  Anyway, the other day while I was feeding him, he repeatedly threw his spoon on the floor which he thought was HILARIOUS, and although not out of the ordinary, this time we had a bit more fun than usual and soon it turned it into a game.  He would throw it and I would fetch it like a little puppy.. LOL  Every time he threw it on the ground I said "Uhh Ohhh" and then quickly picked it up so that we could repeat this exciting new game about 300 more times.  Well soon he started repeating "uhh ohh" after I would say it. Although when he would say it, it came out "uh uh."  Adorable, right?  Well, last Wednesday (Decmeber 7th), Lucas dropped one of my hair clips in the bath tub, turned and looked at me and said "uhh uhh."  I of couse thought this was AMAZING! LOL  Not only did he say it on his own but he said it in context. Then the following day (December 8th) when Doug and I dropped him off at daycare, as we were going to leave he turned to us, waved and said "bye."  Doug and I just stared at eachother with huge dorky grins like "did that really just happen???!!" It was so cute!  And it was the only thing I could think about the entire day!!! He has been waving bye to us and others ever since. :)

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