Lucas has been eating like a champ!!! Thank goodness!!!! This is one worry that can be completely removed from my overly worrisome brain. He had a weight check a week and a half ago and he came in at 18 lbs 8 ounces. He is holding steady in the 10th percentile which is great news! The doc thinks he looks great and is not at all surprised that he is in the 10th percentile.. given his skinny momma. :) And he is eating like a champ!! Not only is he scarfing his purees but he is transitioning very well to table food. So far he loves pancakes (buttermilk and pumpkin spice), whole wheat toast (we just give him a whole piece and he takes little bites off), and cornbread. Foods he does not like are pretty much anything soft, slippery or mushy.. like pasta, eggs, banana, squash... And although he does not like these foods now, I will continue offering as I know it's just a texture thing that he'll eventually get over.
This morning was the appointment with the pediatric eye specialist to check for Glaucoma. Lucas did fantastic and I'm very happy to report that he does NOT have Glaucoma! :) The doc said that his eye watering is likely the result of his very big eyes combined with his fair skin and lack of pigment (his eyes are oddly still blue... guess they might stay that way!) Essentially these factors cause more light to enter his pupils and in turn causes the watering (his eyes only water when he's outside in daylight). He recommended hats and sunglasses once he's able to keep them on (right now he just rips them off the second you put them on...)
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