Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's really amazing when I look at Lucas these days and see a little person.  It's not without a little tear that I realize his baby days are gone (although I know he technically has 1 more month).. I think the part that makes him seem so much more grown up this month as opposed to the last is how much his language and ability to communicate has developed. He has added a couple more words to his vocabulary including "oh" (this is my favorite because of the face he makes when he says it), "no" (we knew that was coming) and "up" (he says this one but I don't think he actually knows the meaning).

His latest trick that he practices ALL THE TIME is clapping. :)  It is too cute.  I took him to the park the other day and on our way back he just all of a sudden started clapping.  I of course stopped and began clapping with him with a huge dorky grin on my face. Ever since, he thinks it's the best thing ever.  He will crawl a few feet then stop to clap, he will take a bite of food and then stop to clap, when he's falling asleep he will use all of his energy to get a few last claps in.  It's adorable.

Another thing he's really gotten into is dancing.  I can't remember when he first started bobbing to music since it was so long ago but now it is just hilarious since it's very deliberate and exaggerated. Pretty much whenever he hears music whether it's coming from one of his toys while he's playing or from a car passing by, he busts out his little dance move which consists of him throwing up one arm and sort of bouncing up and down while saying "uh uh uh uh."  I'm working on getting a good video of it to show!

One of the not so great things he's picked up over the last month is mini tantrums. :( I can't say I didn't see this coming given his very strong willed personality and the fact that he is MY son but I'm still a little sad it's started already!! During his little tantrum he will just throw his body backward (leading with his head) and whine/cry. Most times I think he's just frustrated that he can't tell me what's wrong..and others he's just being a little booger because I won't let him do something he wants.

Everyone has their limits, right?  Well my limit for Lucas not sleeping through the night is now.. 11 months. I'm just so TIRED.  He wakes approx. 2-3 times every night (more when he has a tooth coming in) which after 11 months has gotten extremely old.  My little muffin needs to start sleeping (for mom and dad's sanity) so this is where enough is enough.  We started sleep training him several nights ago (simultaneously working on night weaning) and so far he is doing pretty good.  But I will say nothing more until he's actually sleeping through the night (wouldn't dare to jinx this). I just know that we are both ready now.  He understands object permanence very well which makes it easier for us both. My goal is to get our household back to sleeping through the night by his 1st Birthday.  Which BTW - I can NOT believing I am planning!!!

Here is our little person at 11 months :)

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