Monday, June 13, 2011


So those of you that live close by know that it was a little freakish how many of us were pregnant at the same time.. we have a great group of friends here and it just so happened that practically all of us got knocked up within weeks or months of eachother.. and the ones that weren't knocked up are NOW.. hahaha.. what does that mean?? Lucas has more little friends than he knows what to do with!! This boy will never be lonely that's for sure!! In order of birth... :)

Baby Keira (born 2 months before Lucas)

 Baby Max (born 2 weeks before Lucas) SO sad that Baby Max moved to Michigan :( we will miss him and his Mommy and Daddy very much!!

Our Sweet Lou

Baby Addie (born 2 weeks after Lucas)

Baby Mason (born 2 weeks after Lucas)

 Baby Malina (born 2 months after Lucas)

Baby Girl Meng (Due in July!!)

The Grise Twins!!! (Morrison and Dylan) Due in August!!

There are also 3 more babies on the way but I don't have belly pics of the mommies!! There's Baby Girl Ruble (due in July), Baby Fortenberry (sex will be a surprise!!) (due in July) and Baby Boy Gilbert (due in October).  LOVE ALL THE BABIES!!!

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