Monday, May 23, 2011


So as I mentioned before, Lucas is soooo in love with his feet right now. They are absolutely his favorite toy which is very convenient since they are attached to his body.. he is also at the stage where all he wants to do is sit up.. he doesn't like laying reclined in his vibrating chair anymore and instead tries to sit up or as I call it - work on his core. :)  This new sitting up thing has made bath time a little more interesting!! He is now all over the place instead of just laying there so that I can easily bathe him.. I'm going to need to ask around for some advice on how to make bath time a little more manageable now that he's getting more mobile.. maybe it's time to venture out of the sink tub??  Here are a few pics of Lucas sitting in his bumbo longing for those precious feet of his.. the entire time he was in it he was trying to figure out how he could get to those feet!! LOL!!  He also started making this wierd little face all the time - I got a few shots of it tonight.. :)

 (this is the face!)

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