Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Lucas' pediatrician wanted us to start cereal at 3 months so we gave it a shot last weekend to see how he'd do. I think Doug and I had waaaay too much fun feeding him (as you will see from the gazillion pictures!) - I guess it just seemed like such a huge step which made it really exciting. :) I'm not positive but I think Lucas liked it too! Even though he ended up wearing most the cereal, he did suck it off the spoon and definitely showed first it would just come right back out but after awhile he got the hang of it - and now (5 days later) he's turned into quite the pro and quadruple the mess!! He is eating/swallowing much easier now but he likes to grab the spoon to help shove it in his mouth... this then gets cereal all over his hands.. and once it's on his hands it's ALL over from there... up his nose, in his eye, on his legs, on the chair, in his hair... LOL.. at first I was trying to wipe up every little bit as soon as he made a mess but now I just go with it and embrace my extremely messy little cereal baby. Here are some pics from last weekend :)

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