Monday, April 4, 2011


March 26th marked 2 months. I can NOT believe how fast our sweet baby is growing. At his 2 month doctor appointment he weighted in at a wopping 14 lbs and 23 1/2 inches (95th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height). He is entering such a fun stage and has become remarkably interactive.  He smiles all the time, laughs and talks soooooo much.  He loves to babble and says a wide variety of goos, gahs and much more. I don't know if I'm going to technically count it as his first word but the morning of the 26th I walked into his room while he was happily babbling to his mobile and I watched him say "HI" to one of his little mobile friends. It was such a clear distinct "HI" and wasn't jumbled with a bunch of other babble. It was the cutest thing ever!!  I don't know - what do you think???  We probably say hi to him more than any other word so I'm not too surprised!  I guess I don't know if I should count it or not because he's so young. But then again he seems to be developing sooo fast!  Which according to my 2nd bible (aka "What to Expect the First Year) his advanced nature might be attributed to him being such an active baby. I was reading about the Second Month and came to the page "Do You Have a Challenging Baby?" The very first baby described was titled "The active baby." It described Lucas to a T and read as follows: "Babies often send the first clue that they're going to be more active than most right from the uterus; suspicions are confirmed soon after birth when receiving blankets are kicked off, diapering and dressing sessions become wrestling matches, and baby always ends up at the opposite end of the crib after a nap. Active babies are a constant challenge (they sleep less than most, become restless when feeding, can be extremely frustrated until they're able to be independently mobile, and are alwasy at risk of hurting themselves), but they can also be a joy (they're usually very alert, interested and interesting, and quick to accomplish)." This is definitely Lucas.  He can not sit still for a minute and just seems very irritated that he can't run around yet!  He has been standing (we just keep him steady so he doesn't fall over) since he was about 1 month.. I swear I keep waiting for him to just pop up and take off.. hahaha!  At least we got the pool fenced this week! Here are a few pictures of our sweek little guy at 2 months:

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