Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'm a total slacker for not posting this sooner!  We had soooooooo much fun on Halloween.  It was a Monday so we were a little rushed after work to get home, get in costume and meet up with our friends at Melissa's house for some trick or treating but we made it happen! We decided to do a theme costume with the three of us and went as Doug, Patty Mayonaise and Porkchop from the Nickelodeon cartoon Doug. :)  Mainly because I found a cute little Carters doggie costume for Lucas and then for Doug and I it was super easy to just throw together a costume from things we already had.  All Doug did was put on a vest and he was done. LOL.  Anyway we met up with all of our friends a couple blocks from our house (it's super convenient that we all live within a few miles of eachother) and all the little babies just strolled the streets with us as the bigger kids trick or treated. Then we congregated in Mel's driveway for some food and drinks while handing out candy. It was a ton of fun!!

 Miss Addie and Mel
 Bahahahaha!!!  Peanut Butter Jelly Time... Only Candace :)

 Best Iron Man costume ever!!  Cousin Dev
 Miss Addie and Jenn
 One of the twins (I can't remember which!) and Josh
 Lady Bug Keira and Steph
 Lo and Kev
 My Porkchop :) :) :)
I don't know why they are staring at him :)
 Let me out Momma!
 OMG Best thing ever. These kids went as a Mariachi Band and strolled up playing Low Rider. They were amazing!!
 Jeff and Meg
 BEST Surprise ever!!!!!  Doug's mom drove out from Virginia and is here to stay!!!! Yaaaaaay!  She is staying with us until she gets settled and we absolutely love it!!  Can't believe she made it for his first Halloween (wasn't supposed to arrive until that weekend)
Don't know this kid but LOVED his costume!
The Twins Dylan and Morrison :)

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