Saturday, November 26, 2011


I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year. And love that my little Lou Bear gets to experience all of this for the first time. :) If he's anything like his momma he will grow up to love it all!!

Thanksgiving was at Doug's Dad's place this year and it was wonderful as always, except this year was extra special since Doug's Mom was there to join us. :) It is such a blessing to have her with us and we are so excited she is here to stay.  Mindy, BJ, Devin, Uncle David, Aunt Priscilla, Cathy, and Eva were also there. The food was amazingly awesome and not to toot my own horn but the stuffing I made was fan-fricken-tastic. The cranberries came out good too. I was hoping Lucas would gobble it all up but he was only interested in the pumpkin pie! Go figure.. he does come from my gene pool...

 Veggin out after eating our body weight in food
 one of my million favorite faces
 Cousin Devin and Aunt Priscilla
 Mindy, Dev and Granny
 I love these two with all my heart :)
 eating the table :)

 Group photo
 My handsome boy
 Pat and BJ

 Super happy to have eaten Pumpkin Pie!

 Uncle David, Eva and Wendy
Doug wrestling with the boys

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