Sunday, October 23, 2011


Finally!!! :) We had been dying for a visit from Gramma! Although only a 6-7 hour drive away it's not always easy to get in a visit with our busy schedules. So last weekend was amazing!! My mom drove out with her boyfriend Jon and Sienna and Chase and stayed with us for the weekend. We had our friends over for football on Saturday (the usual) and my mom was able to steal Lou for a little one on one time. They took a walk down to our local park and then had the whole night together while we went indoor skydiving for Jenn's birthday. Then Sunday we all headed over to the pumpkin patch to get Lou a pumpkin and hang out with some of his friends.  After that it was time to say our goodbyes :(  which is always a tearful event...  We miss eachother so much and have a hard time being apart.. especially now that Lou is here. We do our best though, and will continue to try and make time for visits every other month.  Next visit will be Christmas when we head back to California.. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! :) We love you Gramma!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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