Wednesday, July 6, 2011


When I was pregnant with Lucas my nightly prayers included among other things, all my hopes for our unborn child. Above all I prayed for his health like every pregnant woman would, but I was also reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly pushing (no pun intended) for a happy and sweet baby... This was very important to me and I just remember telling the man upstairs that I was okay if he wasn't cute as long as he was happy and sweet (LOL.. yes, that's how badly I wanted a happy little person).. Well today I just have to take a moment to count my blessings because Lucas could not be any sweeter, happier or cuter. He is such an amazing little guy and I just love every minute of being his mom. Doug and I realize how truly lucky we are to have such a good and enjoyable baby. Not that we would love him any less if he wasn't but it does make things easier!  I mean the kid is hardly ever in a bad mood!  He spends most the day just smiling, talking (he's very loud these days) and laughing.

Happy as can be:

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