My tall skinny baby is now oh so big and fat!!!! :) We had Lucas' 1 month well baby appointment this past Monday and learned that he is now 11 lb 8 oz (75th - 90th percentile) and 22 1/2 inches long (75th percentile). Now keep in mind he was born 7 lb 7 oz (25th percentile) and 21 inches (75th - 90th percentile).. so that means he's gained like a pound a week since birth! I had a LOT of questions for the doc this time since I didn't have much to go off of at his first appointment. As suspected, the doctor said Lucas definitely has reflux. He is not too worried though (since he's clearly getting enough to eat and thriving) BUT it will be something that we will need to keep our eye on to see if it progresses into something worse. We are hoping that it will gradually get better though. And for those not familiar with reflux it really just means a lot of spit up and often discomfort. :( So it also means lots of wardrobe changes for baby and mom and can't leave home without a bib and burp cloth. The doctor also thinks the Lucas could be teething!!! I can't even believe that... he has started drooling lately and has had some odd irratable fits occasionally while nursing. Doc recommended that the next time he freaks out to try rubbing some orajel on his gums.. well last night while nursing he had an episode so I tried it and several minutes later he was nursing with ease... hmmm.. I don't know - it could very well be a coincidence. I can't imagine that he's really teething at just 1 month!!
Everyone we come in contact with always comments on how alert and awake he is. Yep, he's been this way from day one! He is the most "awake" baby that I've ever seen! He naps occasionally during the day and has had a few solid nights sleep here and there (5 or 6 hours) but other than that he is always wide awake and ready to go! And I swear he has started smiling at me lately. :) He has always smiled and laughed while he falls asleep but these smiles have been when he was wide awake and looking right at me! So precious it just makes me melt. Something not so cute - baby acne! :( my poor baby is covered in little pimplies!! It takes everything in me to not try and pop them! hahaha!
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