Lucas Jae was born on January 26th, a date that had signified great sadness for me in the past as it was just two years ago that I lost my dad on this very same date. I know that it is no coincidence that my son came into this world when he did and although I struggled with it at first, I thank my dad for bringing so much joy to this day. It will forever hold the most special place in my heart as a celebration of the life of my dad and the birth of my son.
Lucas was born 7 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. His height was in the 75th - 90th percentile and weight was in the 25th percentile. Surprise surprise - he was born tall and skinny. :) He has been extremely alert from day one and loves to look at you with his big wide eyes. :) He is generally a pretty happy baby but also has his angry moments as all babies do (we are getting better and better at minimizing the angry moments as the days go on as there is always a reason for the anger - it's just a matter of mom and dad figuring it out - but we are learning - thank God!). He LOVES to eat - more than anything in the world. He actually smiles sometimes while he's eating. He is also a SUPER noisy eater (almost snarling sounding - LOL) so I dread when I have to nurse him in public... :) I only wish he loved to sleep as much as he loves to eat!! He doesn't sleep for very long stretches during the day (maybe an hour here and there) and at night he typically sleeps in 2 hour blocks (VERY sad for mom).. BUT he has gone a couple nights where he has slept 5 and 4 hour blocks which was just so very awesome for me!!! He LOVES LOVES LOVES having his hair washed and enjoys the rest of his bath too.. however, he doesn't like having his hair combed and HATES the booger sucker!!! It's amazing how much he grows every single day... he is getting very strong and continues to entertain us with his animation and "wildness" aka inability to stay still (he is always throwing punches or kicking his legs when he is awake). Some nicknames he has picked up: Luv Luv (compliments of Mommy), Thrasher (he got this one from the way he eats sometimes), Piglet (from the cute newborn snort), and the rest are prob too embarrassing to list so I will stop there. :)
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