Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm overdue for an update so here goes... I started my weekly exams last week (at 36 weeks) and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  Still feeling great and totally comfortable... Doc said that I will likely be pregnant for a little while longer and didn't think baby would come any time soon.  My 37 week exam was yesterday and doc reported that I am 1 - 1 1/2 cm dilated (I think he through in the half just to make me feel better.. hahaha) and now 75% effaced.  He could tell I was a little dissapointed that I wasn't more dilated and went on to tell me that even if I was 4 cm I could remain that way for weeks and that with where I'm at now, baby could essentially come at any time. So what does all this mean??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Yea, it's fun to know how I'm progressing but since it doesn't really mean anything it just seems a little pointless - and almost a little cruel.  Baby can come at any time. Period. I am super excited though that I finally started having Braxton Hicks contractions last week.  They are now in full force and seem to come like every 6 minutes or so.. I think they are getting a little stronger as some can be uncomfortable so that at least makes me feel like my body is starting to prepare for what's ahead.  Right now I just want to go into labor and meet our little Lucas.  I'm ready.  The waiting begins.................. In the meantime my plan of action: WALKING, FOOT MASSAGES and...

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