Wednesday, January 12, 2011


2cm and still 75% effaced.. that was the news at today's appointment. I wasn't thrilled about my lack of progress but it doesn't mean anything anyway, right??  Doc still says baby can come at any time.. I just have a feeling he is going to make his mom wait.....  it is intentional that there is no space for a 40 week belly pic above! If the 24th rolls around and he's not here I will be the first to give my little boy a spankin! As much as I want him to come NOW I do also really want Doug's mom to get here first (she comes in from Virginia this Saturday and will be here for 3 weeks - yaay!).. AND I also want my mom to enjoy her special weekend she has planned this weekend (she and my sister will be driving out from California once I go into labor).. so Lucas.. if you're listening... mom would really like you to come on Monday the 17th... please and thank you. :)  I wish it was that easy! LOL.. yesterday I was kidding around and was pushing on my belly button telling Doug that I wished it was an eject button... mother nature isn't that kind.  He is the only one that knows when he will come out and he apparently is going to wait until he's good and ready. 

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