Monday, July 19, 2010


On Tuesday, July 6th I went in for my 11 week appointment. It was super quick and consisted of them weighing me, measuring my belly and listening to the baby's heartbeat. I've gained 1.75 lbs. so far and my belly measured at 11.(?) cm. (they just measure a small portion of your belly from underneath your belly button down near your who-ha). The nurse who took me back attempted to find the heartbeat on the doppler but after several minutes of trying she couldn't find it - she assured me that she just wasn't good at finding it and that she bet the Dr. would have no trouble at all. I was a little nervous by this but deep down I knew everything was just fine. Sure enough, the Doc came in and instantly found it. I had a perma-smile as soon as I got to hear that beautiful sound. :) The baby's heartbeat was really strong at 160 beats.

All of this is still very surreal to me - it's so hard to comprehend that I have a living being that's half me/half Doug growing inside of me - this is truly God's most amazing miracles.

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