Saturday, June 9, 2012


This was hysterical. I'm not going to lie, there was some snorting when laughing at this one..

So Lucas LOVES his potato head - it's in a 3 way tie for his favorite toy right now (up against lego blocks and his cars).  In the set came a tiny pair of glasses. These are never really used appropriately (put on the potato head) - instead Doug and I usually will put them on to make Lucas laugh. Well the other night he brought us the glasses and wanted help putting them on.  So of course we obliged. I don't know, there is just something really funny about tiny glasses.. once they were on he started running around the house yelling "raaaaar" and trying to scare us.  LOL

And here are just some random pictures that were taken over the last couple weeks.  He's starting to look so grown up!!!  His smile lights up my life.

 Can I?

 Got it!

 love this face when he discovers something!

 His potato masterpiece :)

 Playing with mom's tablet again

 And very happy about it.

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