Thursday, August 26, 2010


So at 18 weeks we went in for our anatomy ultrasound. We could not contain our excitement that we were about to find out what our sweet little baby was.  It's no secret that I REALLY want a boy and that Douglas is SURE its a girl. I was so worried that we might not be able to find out due to baby not cooperating to show us a crotch shot (this was because my preg friend Stephanie just had to have THREE ultrasounds to find out the sex of her baby due to baby not cooperating).. All I kept thinking was that I REALLY hope baby was in a good position to see or that the tech would at least take the extra time to try and get baby to move if not. I was really worrying for no reason because the second the ultrsound tech turned on the moniter and got a look at the baby it was pretty clear that baby was in a headstand position with its legs open showing us exactly what it was. :) It's a _____!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I will fill in the blank on Sept. 10th - sorry I know that's evil)

We were both on cloud nine and I immediately felt even more connected to baby. Now I knew who I was talking to in there.. :)  After the ultrasound and our appointment with the doctor we went to go buy baby its first outfit.. I wish I could post a pic but that unfortunately would give it away... after that we went and celebrated Doug's birthday by picking up his favorite pizza from Casanova Brothers and renting a couple of movies..

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