Friday, May 25, 2012


Lucas loves to steal the spoon while I'm feeding him purees so that he can do it himself.  Just some pictures from his meal the other night..

Ah Duh! (All Done!)

Friday, May 18, 2012


I can't believe it's been so long since I've written a post! It's time to get back at it..

I saw something like this on a blog recently and wanted to do the same for Lou. A full documentation of him at 15 months. :) Would be fun to do something like this every 6 months to a year..

Weight: 20lb, 8oz (5th percentile)
Height: 30 1/4" (10th percentile)
Head: 18 3/4" (50th percentile)

Nicknames: Lou, Lou-Bear, Lou-D, Bubba(s), Muffin, Lou-Keesmo, Loukifer (when he's being mean lol)

Loves: playing with Dad, going "bye-bye", being outside, going grocery shopping with mom, daycare, playing with his friends, wheat toast with peanut butter, croutons, being held, napping on mom or dad, How I Met Your Mother theme song (he likes all TV theme songs but this is his favorite - will stop what he's doing, run over to the TV and bob his head to the side like Night at the Roxbuy), talking, fake falling (he thinks it's hilarious), being read to (loves to bring us books and points and laughs at the pictures as we read), dogs!, sitting on Dad, water (drinking it, playing in it), snacking, morning walks with mom (and/or Granny) in his stroller, giving five "fi!", giving hugs, his night time bottle (yells "me baba!!!!" as it's being made), going to restaurants (he usually finds a random stranger to awkwardly stare at through the whole meal), fruit and veggie purees, baths (all I have to do is say the word bath and he runs over to the bathroom and waits by the tub, a lot of times he refuses to get out even after the water is drained, and once he's out he likes to run around the house in his hoody towel like a naked superhero), legos, putting the caps on things (water bottles, fruit pouches, really anything with a lid, he likes to take it off and then twist it back on), TV remote, mom's phone (he walks around the house with it to his ear saying "ehwo" "ehwo" "ehwo" - I've also caught him doing this with the giant remote), brushing his teeh (aka sucking the toothpaste off his toothbrush), Elmo

Dislikes: Sleeping in his crib, large crowds, a wide variety of foods (pretty much any solid food that is soft, smooshy or slippery), swim lessons (he just started so this should hopefully change), waking up in his crib (I hear that some kids will wake up and happily play in their cribs. NOT Lucas. I don't think he has a chance to blink twice before he starts screaming for mom or dad), being handed to someone he doesn't know, sharing (unless it's food.. food he will share, toys he will not), being told no (imagine that)

Description: Happy boy, sooo funny (there is not much he does that doesn't make us laugh - he is becoming quite the ham too.. loves when you laugh at him), very expressive (he has a face for everything and you can always tell what he's thinking or feeling just by looking at him), strong willed, challenging sleeper (started sleeping through the night consistently somewhere between 13-14 months, then several weeks after, his molars and a few other teeth started coming in and we were back to getting up anywhere from 2:30 - 4:30am (still in this phase) - Doug and I take turns sleeping with him on the couch when he gets up as there is no way he will go back to sleep in the dreaded crib), VERY early riser (he starts his day by 5:30am and sometimes earlier!), very active, total sweetheart (he melts my heart with his hugs and kisses), gets sick often :( (mainly he struggles with ear infections. Every time he gets congested from a cold or allergies he gets an ear infection), VERY picky eater (he gets this from his Dad!), terrible napper (UNLESS he is napping on mom or dad - we used to try and put him in his crib once he fell asleep but he would wake up crying within minutes of being put down so now we just take turns and set aside time on the weekends to nap with him - and honestly it is our favorite part of the day! He will nap for 3-4 hours when being held - I absolutley love it)

Words: hi, ehwo (hello), bye-bye, dah dah!! (dog dog - always said in an excited high-pitched voice), fi (five), dada, mama, uh-oh, I dunno (shoulder shrug and raised hands always included), ah duh! (all done! - with his hands raised), shoe, sah (sock), bite (he loves offering bites of food and always asks for a "bite" when hungry, he even likes to offer you "bites" of his medicine), baba/me baba (bottle - when he sees his night time bottle he goes into total freak out mode and starts whining and screaming "me babaaaaa!!!!"), more (sometimes includes the sign), nah nah (knock knock - says this when we knock on the door at daycare), ball, wha tha? (what's that?), cra cra (cracker), no (usually accompanied by a mean face), oweee and oucheee (when he hurts himself), wawa (water), ehmo (Elmo), oh no! (always exclaimed! and sometimes puts his hand over his mouth and points - too funny), nose, eye, tees (teeth - always asks for more "tees" after brushing his teeth), moo (moon - every time he says it he points up to the sky), yaaaaaay! (he probably says this word the most. Every time he does something he's proud of he will say yaaaaay and clap, he also says it when you give him food he wants), baby (Granny taught him the sign for this one so every time he says it he holds his arms like he's cradling a baby and swings them back and forth - SO CUTE, now when he sees Granny he always signs and says baby), nigh nigh (night night - says when he goes to bed), tay chu (thank you - this my favorite right now - he says it most all the time when you give him something he wants but the cutest is when I've been sitting next to his crib at night he puts his arm out the slat and wiggles it for me to hold his hand - as soon as I touch his hand he says "tay chu" are you kidding me!? LOVE. Reminds me of the Dumbo scene when the mom is locked up! lol). He uses all his words in the correct context except for oweee.. sometimes he says that one when he wakes up crying in his crib or when he wants something. I think he just knows he gets our immediate attention when he says it so he uses it to his advantage. :) He will also try to repeat pretty much any word you try and get him to say.