Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I had the BEST time at my baby shower and spending time with family and friends this past weekend!!! My mom, Brother, Aunt Shellee, Cousin Shane, Grandpa and Gramma Kate and Janell & Jordan all came in town from California to spend the weekend with us and attend the baby shower. :) We had soo much fun!!  I miss them all so much and was sad to see them go when the weekend was over but know that I will be seeing them all very soon when our little guy arrives (just two more months!!!). Jenn and Candace did an AMAZING job with all the little details to make the shower super cute and special :)  I love them!! We got totally spoiled to say the least!!!  This kid has so much stuff I don't even know what to do with it all... until I figure that out it will remain in piles in his room. :)  I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been so generous with all the hand me downs and wonderful gifts.  Thanks to you Lucas will never go without. :)  So I forgot to take a picture of them but wanted to point out the two gifts that were a TOTAL hit (for my mom and Aunt Shellee that is) so much of a hit that my mom is buying them for herself to put in her room. :) They were... the turtle night light that displays the stars on the ceiling and the Rockabye Baby Rolling Stones Lullaby CD... When we got home from the shower we had to put both on.. :)

Here are some pics from the shower:

4 Pregs in order from due date (Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar - right to left)
Table Centerpieces with baby pics of me and Doug :)
Lucas Cake (DELICIOUS)
 Janell :)
 Leah & Julia :)
 Pee Pee Teepee
 Handmade Blanket from Melissa :)
 Laker Bear with recordings of my mom telling Lucas how much she loves him :) 
 Laker Bear making me cry
  Radio Flyer Wagon from my Mama FILLED with presents from her and my Aunt Shellee :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Doug graduated yesterday and it was a truly emotional and happy day.  I am so incredibly proud of him.  He inspires me everyday but seeing him accomplish this milestone was one of the proudest moments in my life.  He has worked so hard and has been such a great role model for so many people.  I could feel little Lucas cheering his daddy on as he walked up to accept his diploma. :)  Here are a few pics:


It's absurd to me that Lucas' closet and dresser are COMPLETELY stuffed with all the clothes that have been handed down to us. I can only fit the first 6 months on hangers in the closet and everything else is packed in a dresser and what won't fit in the dresser is in bags to be pulled out once he reaches that size.  We are sooooo fortunately to have been given all these clothes!!!  Here are some pics of his closet:

So I decided that I will be making the wall art for Lucas' room since I can't really find anything I like in the stores. Heres a before pic of a few of the items: