On Saturday, May 15th (happened to be my wonderful mom's birthday) I woke up with the thought "what the heck - I'll test a day early" because my stomach just felt odd and had felt this way for the past couple days. In no way did I expect what I was about to see..... Well, I did my business (half asleep since it was around 5:30am) and instantly I saw a second line appear. I immediately started shaking and my eyes welled up with tears. I waited about 30 seconds and the second line was now the darkest line I had ever seen!!!! Even darker than the control line. Here it is - the most beautiful two lines in the world:

I immediately bolted out of the bathroom and ran over to sit where Douglas was sleeping. I woke him up and practically scared him to death since I was full on crying by now. This isn't how I imagined telling him (I had a bunch of really cute ways that I had been thinking about forever) but oh well.. this is how it happened and it was perfect. My voice was shaking but I was able to get out "We're having a baby." His face lit up and he just hugged me and didn't let go.. then he said "I knew it!!!!" (he was pretty confident this would be our month) and after he thought about it for a minute and did the math he was really excited to discover that he would have a DD for the entire college football season. :) We spent the rest of the morning laying in bed trying to take it all in.
Since my mom was coming in town the next day to stay with us for a few days I was ecstatic at the thought that I would be able to tell her in person. This is what I had wrapped up and waiting for her when she arrived:
She is already thinking about coming out with my Aunt Shellee to decorate the nursery. I love you Momma!!